
Pat-INFORMED – The Gateway to Medicine Patent Information

Finding related information in patent documents and authorized medications in jurisdictions around the world is the main advantage of this open and downloadable tool through WIPO.

Developing medicines is a very complex research and innovation process, where determining the status of a drug’s patents is a challenge of scouting and intelligence for the industry.

Pat-Informed is a tool for patent search of pharmaceutical products, by relating the information contained in patents worldwide with the names of drug products on the market.

Pat-Informed is developed by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Industrial Associations (IFPMA), in collaboration with 20 international pharmaceutical companies. Its mission is to respond to the challenge of overcoming the traditionally existing gap in information on pharmaceutical patents, stood in the American «Orange Book«.

From a technology intelligence point of view, this tool provides information on patent documents and authorized medicines in the market, addressing jurisdictions around the world.

#MoocVT classification:

  • Type of tool: Open.
  • Cost: Free.
  • Level of complexity: medium-high.

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