
Technology monitoring products and analysis.

Learn how to analyze scientific and technological information for decision making through technology monitoring products, such as bulletins, newsletters, state of the art, assessment studies, foresight studies and so on.

Module 3 of MoocVT 3: Technology monitoring Products and Analysis. This Module is given by Aura Esther Troconis Troconis, professor and researcher at the Simón Bolívar University and member of the Center for Technology and Innovation Management (CeGesTec + i) in Venezuela.

In the Module you will learn how to analyze scientific and technological information for decision making and which are the keys to develop effective technology monitoring products, such as bulletins, newsletters, state of the art, assessment studies, foresight studies and so on.

The contents of the Module 3 are divides in lessons:
Lesson 1: Products and analysis.
Lesson 2: Technology alerts.
Lesson 3: Bibliometric sturdies.
Lesson 4: Patent mapping
Lesson 5: Patentometric studies.
Lesson 6: Statistics trade-relation studies.
Lesson 7: State of the art.
Lesson 8: Technology assessment studies.
Lesson 9: Foresight studies.

If you find it interesting, we invite you to access the course on #MoocVT elearning platform. If you successfully complete the modules through watching the videos, readings and activities you will be able to obtain your accreditation badge: Go for it!