
Technology information management.

In this module, you will learn how to take advantage of Intellectual Property Rights informative value, specifically patents, utility models and trademarks.

In #MoocVT 3: «Technology intelligence-driven innovation» you will find Module 2: Technology information management, taught by Esther Arias Pérez-Ilzarbe, expert in patent information technology.

In this module, you will learn how to take advantage of Intellectual Property Rights informative value, specifically patents, utility models and trademarks.  

This module is made up of the following lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Intellectual property rights.
  • Lesson 2: Patents and utility models.
  • Lesson 3: Sources of technological and business information.
  • Lesson 4: The patent document.
  • Lesson 5: Specialized databases on industrial property.
  • Lesson 6: The search for patents.
  • Lesson 7: Practical examples of patent search.

You can access the course, watch the videos and read the lectures and activities and earn the Badges through this link: